A fan, Rudy Marchant is offering up something for everyone to take part in.
With less than 2 days to go before the Kickstarter deadline and with more than 90% of the goal reached, pledger Rudy Marchant gives the fans even more reason to contribute to the cause! He will give away three ultra-rare highly-collectible Sierra games to three randomly picked fans who pledged $30 or more! We are talking about games which are so rare and old, that they were still published by On-Line Systems, the official name of Sierra before it even became Sierra On-Line in late 1981! Good luck finding these… But here they are, for FREE!
When we asked Rudy why he would give these collection treasures away, he replied “Don’t worry about it. I may find them again some day, but seeing you guys return is a once in a lifetime thing, so there is no comparison in my opinion.”
So which games are being offered?
1) Hi-Res Adventure #2: Wizard and the Princess (1980). This is the small folder On-Line Systems Apple II release of Wizard and the Princess, the first computer game ever with colors, and predecessor of the King’s Quest series. It was re-released in 1982 under the SierraVenture logo and later once more for the IBM PcJr under the name “Adventure in Serenia”. The game is complete, but floppy has not been tested.
2) Hi-Res Adventure #0: Mission Asteroid (1980). This is the small folder On-Line Systems Apple II release of Mission Asteroid. It was re-released in 1982 under the SierraVenture logo. The game is complete, but floppy has not been tested.
3) Jawbreaker (1981): This is the small folder On-Line Systems Apple II release of Jawbreaker, by Olaf Lubeck, a Pacman clone which was in 1982 re-released under the SierraVision logo. The game is complete but the floppy has not been tested.
We would like to point out that, while we greatly appreciate this generous donation, this is Rudy’s initiative. We can not be held responsible for the delivery of the items. This is why we did not create an update about this on the Kickstarter page but strongly encourage you to spread the word through fan sites, Facebook, Twitter and other channels while the kickstarter still runs.. We’ve known Rudy for a while now, and he’s as hardcore Sierra as it gets. He was a moderator on the former official Sierra forums and current site admin of Ken and Roberta Williams’ SierraGamers website. Most fans know him however as the creator of the Sierra Chest fan site. These games come straight from the massive Sierra Chest collection.
So, had no reason to up your pledge from $15? You have one now! Even if you don’t collect rare Sierra vintage games, selling one of these could return you a nice profit and you’d still have all the SpaceVenture goodies you pledged for! If the Kickstarter is successful, which is a condition for this give-away, we will randomly pull three names from the $30 or higher pledgers. With your approval, we then provide your contact details to Rudy and he will ship your prize to you, simple! He’ll pay for the shipping (1) and provide a tracking number.
Let’s keep it going, gang, we are almost there!
(1) the items are sent from Europe, so import taxes may be applicable, depending on your location.