Episode 008- SQ3 Commentary with Scott Murphy, Mark Crowe, and host Chris Pope on Guys From Andromeda fan Podcast
Featuring the Two Guys From Andromeda, Scott Murphy, Mark Crowe and host Chris Pope
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Video of the podcast is now available with special thanks to Warren Pylypchuk.
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I like Space Quest 3, but the newly detailed graphics wern’t the only change….there wasn’t any real mention of Vohaul or Roger’s home planet Xenon. I feel that Roger’s/the Player’s concern for Xenon was such an important part of the Space Quest series so far, that it leaves a bit of a gap to not mention Xenon or Roger’s wish to return home. At the very least, I think we should have seen Roger return to Xenon at the end of the game which would have bought some closure, after Space Quest II’s unresolved ending. Too much from Space Quest and Space Quest II was disregarded.