Featuring the Two Guys From Andromeda, Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe. Includes partner as host, Chris Pope



YouTube Link




This commentary also was made special due to an unexpected visit to our chat room by Ken and Roberta Williams! Ken was the founder of Sierra, and Roberta was best known as the creator of the Kings Quest Series.

Special thanks to David Gentili (David6858) and Richard Hammond (dented1620) for coming together and creating this for us!

Transcribed Chat Log of the Roberta and Ken interaction:

Ken and Robert Williams join the SQ3 Commentary (June 3, 2012).doc

Ken and Robert Williams join the SQ3 Commentary _June 3, 2012_.pdf

Full Chat Log:

SQ3 Commentary Full (June 3, 2012).doc

SQ3 Commentary Full _June 3, 2012_.pdf