Fans on SpaceQuest.Net have been working together to produce clean poster-sized versions of the various Space Quest boxes, and we are making them available as they are released.
They need your help, though! Clean, high-resolution scans of boxes from Space Quests 4, 5, and 6 are needed to finish the set. For more information, check out the thread on
Special thanks to Happy Cock Head, Doberman369, Tomimt, e1ven, and Neolycan for providing these.
Space Quest I
Black box:
Second design:
- Without any accouterments
- With “3D Adventure Game” and Sierra logo
- With Sierra logo
- With “3D Adventure Game”
Space Quest II
- Without any accouterments
- With “3D Adventure Game” and Sierra logo
- With Sierra logo
- With “3D Adventure Game”
Space Quest III
- Without any accouterments
- With Sierra logo, Computer Entertainer quote and “3D Adventure Game”
- With Sierra logo
- With Computer Entertainer quote and “3D Adventure Game”
Space Quest IV
Please note the box artwork is property of Activision as they reserve all rights to the Space Quest content.